
11.21.07: topten list

god's gifts are in excess: we give thanks everyday.
b a r e f o o t: sophisticated...not jaded; mildly bi-polar; semi-goal-oriented; pays attention 2 serious issues at some point.
we find the freezer needs defrosting before any new items can be stuffed in there: we find frozen turkey stock cubes and cranberries from thanksgiving'06; photos of (wediditgood) turkey'06 are available, easy to view and vicarious pleasure is part of a good life; several muse have booked out; it's one more
day ;
ohohoh we have no turkey anyway: we have a fear of pumpkins; AND we sit on the internet writing about it = beentheredonethat: when concepts getintheway of whazreal: explore options to correct the equation. we are having thanksgiving that looks like tiny turkeys; sounds like luna sweetpo dumpling. ; and cranberries 2.

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